
Activities and Area of Interventions are but not limited to

  • Training of Human Rights Defenders from Civil Society and Community Organizations
  •  eradicate extreme poverty and hunger;
  • Protecting children and women victims of rape, sexual abuse
  • Empowering the community in Income generating activities
  • achieve universal education for all;
  •  promote gender equality and empower women
  • reducing child mortality; improving maternal health;
  • Sexual Reproductive health (SRH)& Sexual and Gender Based Violence(SGBV)
  • combating HIV/AIDS, malaria, TB and other diseases;
  • Advocate and Lobby for policy changes which are adapted with consideration of Human Rights
  • Harm reduction of Prisoners, people who use drugs and People living with HIV/AIDS

Help break the cycle of poverty
and hunger and give a hope to a child to attend School

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